“No Fault” Law
How will Florida’s No-Fault Law effect my injury case?
How will Florida’s No-Fault Law effect my injury case?
Under Florida “no fault” law even if you received a traffic citation after your accident occurred, this does not mean you are guilty. Nor does it mean you’re at fault or ineligible for certain benefits under the law. In fact, Florida’s unique laws allow us to help almost anyone recently injured as a result of a traffic crash.
If you have recently been in an auto accident, you may not feel the full extent of your injuries until weeks later. Thus, if you even think you have injuries, we’ll immediately begin to help you preserve your benefits under Florida law.
“NO-FAULT” defined. Regardless of how your crash occurred. Florida No-fault law will cover even passengers after an accident. Also, it covers your lost wages and medical bills up to $10,000. In fact, a recent change to Florida law now requires that you seek a qualified medical professional within 14-days of your accident. This is to preserve your Personal Injury Protection (“PIP”) benefits. Especially, if you think you have injuries as a result of your traffic crash.
“COMPARATIVE FAULT” defined. This is a method used to determine monetary recovery to drivers and passengers involved in motor vehicle accidents. Moreover, Florida drivers can take partial responsibility for causing a traffic crash. Thus, it’s possible each driver involved in or caused a collision receives some degree of “fault”.
Under Florida “no fault” law even if you received a traffic citation after your accident occurred, this does not mean you are guilty. Nor does it mean you’re at fault or ineligible for certain benefits under the law. In fact, Florida’s unique laws allow us to help almost anyone recently injured as a result of a traffic crash.
Thus, if you have recently been in an auto accident, it may take weeks to feel the full extent of your injuries. So, if you even think you have injuries contact us. And, we’ll immediately begin to help you preserve your benefits under Florida law.
Because insurance liability adjusters typically determine who caused a traffic crash. Afterward, they approve payment for claims. Thus, if an adjuster believes that you may be partially at fault, the insurance company might delay payment of claims. Incidentally, specialists will conduct additional investigations. (e.g. sworn affidavits, formal depositions, evidentiary hearings, etc.)
Unfortunately, investigations and legal proceedings delay payment of claims. As a result, it could take several months for you to receive the money you need. Often times we can speed up this process and get you the money you need much faster.
First, our car accident lawyers help you establish that the other driver involved in the traffic accident was at fault. Or, at least responsible for a part of your damages or injuries. Also, we’ll support your explanation of how your accident occurred. Then, guide you through what happens inside and outside of the courtroom.
Find out how Florida’s No-Fault Law will affect your injury case by speaking or meeting with one of our former insurance defense attorneys who have inside knowledge of how big insurance companies value personal injury and damage claims. No fees unless we WIN.
So, get YOUR Free Case Analysis now by texting us, chatting with us online, completing the form below, or by calling 844.RHINO.77.
Then, decide what is best after getting free advice from a RHINO Lawyer who wants to help YOU.