To begin with, dealing with the aftermath of an automobile accident is stressful. Considering, the cost of treatments, missing work, and long doctor appointments. Unfortunately, these accident victims make mistakes during treatments and doctors’ visits that hurt their case.
In fact, many times an innocent mistake has a huge impact on the personal injury case. Particularly, these mistakes can make so you are unable to prove your case. So, you end up not receiving fair compensation for your injuries. With this in mind, here are some common mistakes to avoid making during treatments.
Victim Waits To Get Medical Attention
First, as an auto accident victim in Florida, you have the responsibility of proving you suffered injuries. Regardless, if you think you the pain will go away. In all honesty, this is a bad idea. Due to the fact, both insurance companies and juries see the waiting for treatment as not severe enough for compensation.
Though, we understand the hope for minor injuries and avoiding a doctor. But, you should have all accident injuries checked. Thus, don’t ignore the pain no matter the severity. So, go to the hospital or see a doctor that specializes in auto injuries as soon as possible.
Accident Victim Misses Appointments
Next, missing or being late to appointments can ruin your case. Since the insurance company and jury will get to review your medical records. Thus, when you miss or show up late for an appointment the doctor notates this in your file. Unfortunately, insurance companies and juries view you as not injured or not committed to getting better.
By the same token, no showing or showing up late to appoints will aggravate the doctor. Besides, this is disrespectful. And, an angry doctor does not make a good witness. While understand missing some appointments. In the event that, you will miss or be late to an appointment call the doctor immediately to let them know or reschedule. Also, make sure the doctor’s office documents it in your file.
Concealing Your Past Medical History
Before treatment, your doctor will ask about your past medical history. More importantly, you need to answer all questions honestly. Because your doctor will use your medical history when diagnosing and treating you. In addition, incomplete information will affect the treatment you receive.
Not to mention, it will only hurt your case. In fact, when doctors don’t have all the information the insurance company and the jury will reject their medical opinion. Furthermore, the insurance company will review your medical history. So, they can get an idea of your health before the accident. Thus, trying to conceal anything will only work against you.
Telling Your Doctor About the Case
Namely, your doctor needs to concentrate on treating your injuries. Hence, they will need to know about the accident and where you hurt. But, your doctor does not need to know you filed a lawsuit. Overall, making the mistake of sharing this information is unnecessary and will hurt your case.
Admittedly, most doctors want to avoid involvement in a lawsuit. Thus, talking about your case with your doctor could cause them to not want to treat you. As well as, they might not reach important conclusions about your injuries. In addition, your doctor will likely note the conversation in your file. And, the insurance company will try to use it to shine a bad light on you.
Not Completing Your Treatment
Even though, your pain is subsiding don’t end your treatment before healing completely. So, ending your treatment before medical release will hurt your case. Because, when you stop treatment early the insurance company and jury assume the treatment healed you.
By the same token, large gaps in treatment suggest the same thing. As well as, it gives the impression you healed and suffered a new injury. However, it is understandable to miss a treatment. Still, it’s better to avoid any gaps in treatment. Although, if you can’t avoid missing a session, contact the doctor and document the reason.
As I have said, with an injury it is always best to seek medical care until completely healed. Or, your doctor says there is nothing more they can do to help your injury.
Failing to Cooperate with Depression or Anxiety Treatments
Whereas, the accident causes pain by injuring your body. Subsequently, those injuries can lead to anxiety or depression. Unfortunately, this is all too common in accident victims. Yet, you can’t overcome these psychological conditions without treatment.
Thus, it is important to report these symptoms to your doctor. Otherwise, your doctor can’t prescribe treatment and it won’t appear in your file. Additionally, making the mistake of not seeking treatment for your injury-related depression or anxiety the insurance company and jury will not compensate for it.
Accident Victims Discounting Pain
After, starting treatments many people feel like whiners or complainers if they talk about their pain during each visit. So, some will try to tough it out and not let the doctor know about the pain. However, failing to have your pain documented is a huge mistake. Because the doctor needs to know this information to properly treat your injuries.
As a matter of fact, one of the best ways to document your pain is to keep a daily journal. Then, your doctor could use it to help document your chart with your day-to-day pain. Yet, if you don’t report your pain or limitations, they will not make it into your file. As a result, the insurance company and jury will not believe you are in pain. Nor, will the court accept your testimony about your pain.
Failure to Keep Medical File
Finally, besides documenting your pain from the accident, you should keep your own medical file. In fact, it is important to track every medical provider that treats your injury. Including, the tracking of work restrictions, doctors’ orders, and treatment referrals. All in all, tracking this information is helpful to your case and attorney. So, not maintaining a file is a huge oversight on your part.
In short, after a car accident, you may not know your rights. Above all, don’t struggle through the process alone. Actually, our personal injury team is here to help you with any legal needs you might have regarding your accident.
Lastly, let RHINO Lawyers answer your questions and review the facts of your case with a Free Consultation. So, get started by completing the “Free Instant Case Evaluation” or by calling us any time, day or night, at 844.329.3491.