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Can Heat Increase the Risk of a Car Accident?

It’s no mystery that cities across the United States are experiencing hotter summers than in previous years. Florida has been dealing with temperatures above 90°, since late spring and early summer which is unusual. Not only are high temperatures uncomfortable to live in, but it makes summer driving more dangerous.

Many things can cause a car accident. You may be wondering, “Can high temperatures during summer driving increase the likelihood of a collision?”

This blog will discuss the effects of heat on driving. We’ll talk about tips for summer driving safety to keep yourself, your passengers, and others on the road safe.

Can High Temperatures Increase the Risk of Car Accidents?

Yes, heat can put drivers at a higher risk of getting into a collision. According to an article by Scientific American, the way cars trap heat inside of them amplifies car crash risks.

The air and exposed surfaces inside the car soak up the outside heat as it passes through the windshield and windows. This causes the interior temperature of the car to become intolerable.

Driver Fatigue

High temperatures can disrupt the normal functions of the human body. Some of the symptoms drivers may experience include:

  • Lack of concentration
  • Dizziness
  • Dehydration
  • Mood disruptions
  • Lack of impulse control

It doesn’t take long for drivers to feel the impact of the heat. Getting in a hot car that’s been sitting parked can cause drivers to feel some of the above side effects. They may have challenges performing the following tasks:

  • Noticing traffic signals
  • Driving in a straight line
  • Responding to various road conditions

These symptoms can be exacerbated if the driver has been in high temperatures before getting into the car. They may experience heat stroke or heat exhaustion.

There are some things drivers can do to prevent car accidents from high heat. These may include:

  • Taking breaks
  • Using your car’s A/C
  • Staying hydrated
  • Park in the shade
  • Freeze water bottles to keep in your car
  • Use handheld fan misters

These tips aren’t just good to use if you’re the driver during the summer. You can keep your passengers feeling nice and cool during long road trips by following the above advice.

Vehicle Issues

High temperatures can have a major impact on how your vehicle performs. There are many issues your car might experience, such as:

  • Fluctuations in tire pressure
  • Oil breakdown
  • Stress on your cooling systems
  • Fuel system imbalance
  • Wiper blade failure
  • Tire blowouts
  • Battery failures

Cars that don’t receive regular maintenance or older ones are more susceptible to being affected by the heat. Being in stop-and-go traffic can also put more strain on your vehicle during high temps.

Some ways you can help your vehicle stay functioning properly during the summer heat include:

  • Regular care and maintenance
  • Test your car battery during the summer to check its condition
  • Add antifreeze if needed
  • Routinely check your tire pressure
  • Change your oil every 5,000 to 7,000 miles

Scheduling a summer check-in for your vehicle before the heat hits is a great way to ensure your vehicle is prepared. You can avoid any unexpected issues before heading out on the road by connecting with an experienced mechanic.

Dangerous Road Conditions

Summer tends to be one of the more dangerous seasons to drive in. Many people expect winter to be full of more hazards due to snow and ice. However, many factors can contribute to car accidents during the summer.

Some of these things may include:

  • Increase of pedestrians, motorcyclists, and cyclists on the road
  • Road construction is at a peak during the summer
  • Heavy traffic due to vacationers
  • Young drivers on the road

The heat itself plays a part in dangerous road conditions. For example, high temps can cause road surfaces to get sticky and soft. Heat waves and mirages can also distort the vision of drivers.

Unexpected weather during the summer can affect the safety of drivers. Hail, lightning, and heavy rain can pose hazards. There is also an increased risk of hydroplaning during summer rainstorms.

A few things drivers can do to stay safe during the summer include:

  • Turning on your headlights during storms
  • Leaving enough distance between you and the car ahead of you
  • Turn on your flashers if needed
  • Give yourself enough time to get to your destination
  • Slow down in construction zones
  • Remain alert while driving around pedestrians and cyclists
  • Check the weather forecast before you head out

You may want to reconsider driving in high temperatures if the weather is going to be adverse or if it’s a busy holiday weekend.

What to Do if You Were in a Car Accident

We’ve talked about some of our tips for staying safe while driving in the summer. Even if the heat causes a car accident, someone will still need to be held at fault for the accident.

For example, if you caused a car accident because of the glare from the sun, you may still be held liable for paying damages to the other driver. It’s important to be mindful while driving in the summer to prevent any unfortunate circumstances from occurring.

You must follow the right steps if you’ve been in a heat-related car accident. These steps ensure your rights are protected and that you stay safe. These steps may include:

  • Move your car to the side of the road (if you can)
  • Call the authorities to report the accident
  • Seek medical attention even if you don’t have visible injuries
  • Record the details of the accident
  • Get the other driver’s information
  • Take photos and videos
  • Collect the police report
  • Call an experienced car accident attorney

Follow Our Tips to Stay Safe During Summer Driving

Heat impacts every aspect of summer driving, including the roads, drivers, and other vehicles. It’s important to take precautions and prepare yourself when driving during high temperatures. Prevent getting in a car accident by following our safety tips.

Have you been injured in heat-related accidents? RHINO Lawyers has helped numerous clients seek compensation for their injuries. Contact our office to learn how our lawyers can help you on the road to recovery.


In short, after a car accident, you may not know your rights. Above all, don’t struggle through the process alone. Actually, our personal injury team is here to help you with any legal needs you might have regarding your accident.

Lastly, let RHINO Lawyers answer your questions and review the facts of your case with a Free Consultation. So, get started by completing the “Free Instant Case Evaluation” or by calling us any time, day or night, at 844.RHINO.77.
