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How Dangerous Are Tampa Garbage Truck Accidents?

Garbage trucks and solid waste professionals are integral to the health and sanitation of our city. Is it possible that garbage trucks also pose a public safety risk?

Back in 2018, Tampa lost a beloved retired teacher to a fatal garbage truck driver. While these types of fatalities are fortunately rare, they still teach us an important lesson: garbage truck accidents can and do happen.

Today, we’re going to look at the potential risks associated with garbage truck accidents. We’ll also share information about what to do and who to call if you are in a garbage truck accident. Read on for everything you need to know.

Why Garbage Trucks Pose a Unique Risk

We share just about every roadway with garbage truck drivers. In a single day, a garbage truck may stop and start dozens of times. In the process, they’re passing pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers.

Due to the size and shape of garbage trucks, drivers are navigating with multiple blind spots. Because garbage trucks stop and start so often, many people become desensitized to them and don’t notice when they’re pulling over, changing lanes, or merging back into traffic.

Garbage truck accidents tend to result from distracted driving, failure to yield, or failure to account for blind spots. Because garbage trucks are so large and heavy, even a low-speed accident can cause serious damage and injuries.

Types of Injuries Associated with Garbage Truck Accidents

Injuries resulting from garbage truck accidents range from mild to severe. Common injuries that are disruptive but aren’t permanently life-altering include:

  • Whiplash
  • Sprains and muscle tears
  • External bleeding
  • Broken bones

When garbage trucks hit vehicles at a high rate of speed or hit unprotected cyclists and pedestrians, the injuries may be more severe. Severe garbage truck accident injuries include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Internal bleeding
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Amputations

As experienced accident injury attorneys in Tampa, we know how dangerous garbage truck accidents can be.

What to Do After a Garbage Truck Accident

If you were hit by a garbage truck, there are three important steps to take as soon as possible. Let’s take a look at what to do in the aftermath of a garbage truck accident.

Document the Scene

The more evidence you have from the scene of the accident, the better. In many cases, victims aren’t able to document the accident themselves, but a witness should.

Take photos and videos that show the location of the accident. Photograph the garbage truck and any other property (like your car or bicycle) from multiple angles. The goal is to provide proof of how the accident occurred.

Seek Medical Help

Even if you don’t notice immediate injuries, it’s crucial to seek medical attention right away after a garbage truck accident. Many victims don’t notice early signs of internal injuries because they’re in shock.

In the aftermath, make sure to keep up with any recommended medical appointments. Specialists like chiropractors can make a big difference in the healing process.

Contact an Experienced Accident Attorney

Once you are medically stable, the next step is to contact an experienced accident attorney. Accident attorneys can evaluate the facts of your case to determine the estimated value of your claim. They can also take over the process of compiling evidence and quantifying damages to put you in the best position possible to win your claim.

Because the city government employs 100% of our residential garbage collectors in Tampa, you’re most likely going to file a claim against the government. This is a unique situation that requires legal expertise and familiarity with precedence in similar cases.

Damages Associated with Garbage Truck Accidents

If a garbage truck accident results in serious injuries and financial strain, victims have the option of filing a claim in civil court. The purpose of these claims is to seek financial justice and recover damages associated with the accident. Let’s take a look at the types of damages you can include in your accident claim.

Medical Bills

With serious injuries come significant medical bills. Even with health insurance, many accident victims face mounting out-of-pocket costs that put them in debt.

In a garbage truck accident claim, you can request compensation for all related medical bills, including future medical bills. Your attorney can help you to request estimates for future care and the cost of that care.

Lost Income

When you’re recovering from serious injuries, you may have a reduced capacity to work. Even after exhausting things like paid leave, many accident victims lose thousands in the form of lost income. For victims with resulting disabilities, this diminished capacity to work can be a life-long affliction.

In a garbage truck accident claim, you can fight for lost income compensation. Not only does that include lost wages, but also lost benefits like retirement fund contributions.

Property Damage

Depending on the nature of the accident, victims may also request compensation for damaged property in an accident claim.

For example, if your bike was destroyed by the garbage truck that hit you, you can include the value of the bike in your claim. If you need vehicle repairs because the garbage truck dented or damaged your car, you can include the value of the repairs in your claim.

Intangible Damages

An experienced lawyer also knows how to quantify intangible damages when calculating how much garbage truck accident compensation a victim is due. Intangible damages include things like:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Loss of consortium

They’re considered intangible because there’s no immediately apparent dollar value. For example, if you suffer from post-accident trauma, you may have associated tangible damages (therapy bills, e.g.) as well as the intangible damage of diminished mental health. Both should be accounted for in your claim.

Get Garbage Truck Accident Support

If you were in a recent garbage truck accident in Tampa, you don’t have to suffer alone. These accidents can result in severe injuries and serious financial strain. RHINO Lawyers are here to help.

At RHINO Lawyers, we have a big team but function like a small law firm. That allows us to devote ample time and resources to every one of our clients. Contact us and get started with your free case consultation.


In short, after a car accident, you may not know your rights. Above all, don’t struggle through the process alone. Actually, our personal injury team is here to help you with any legal needs you might have regarding your accident.

Lastly, let RHINO Lawyers answer your questions and review the facts of your case with a Free Consultation. So, get started by completing the “Free Instant Case Evaluation” or by calling us any time, day or night, at 844.RHINO.77.
