Auto Accident Injury Cases
Do I Have A Case?
Do I Have A Case?
We act quickly to protect your benefits, so you don’t lose them. If you have recently been in an auto accident, you may not feel the full extent of your injuries until weeks later. Even if you think you have injuries, we’ll immediately begin to help you preserve your benefits under Florida law.
Whether you received a traffic citation after your accident occurred, this does not mean you are guilty. Nor, does it mean you’re at fault, or ineligible for certain benefits.
You are entitled to recover monetary damages for pain and suffering, past and future medical expenses, and many times even lost wages.
We fully understand how each aspect of Traffic Law is connected and how to fully leverage these laws for your benefit. We will help with vehicle damages and in many cases obtain a rental car for you while we quickly make demands and negotiate directly with the insurance companies on your behalf.
At RHINO Lawyers our car accident lawyers will leverage our inside knowledge of the insurance industry and will put you in the best possible position to win your case and get you every penny that you deserve. We win or it’s on us, guaranteed!
If you received a traffic ticket after your accident, the officer who cited you could have made an error in judgment because he/she likely did not witness your crash.
RHINO Lawyers team completes its own crash investigation and takes every crash case seriously because we know harsh consequences can result if “fault” is not contested. We’ll support your explanation of how your accident occurred with strong evidence. And guide you through what happens inside and outside of the courtroom.
Our former Insurance Defense Attorney, Brandon F. Jones, knows how the insurance companies place a value on traffic crash injuries and vehicle damage. If you were involved in a traffic crash, we’ll leverage our full understanding of Traffic Law to help you establish that the other driver involved in the traffic crash was at fault, or at least responsible for a portion of your damages or injuries.
Find out if you have an injury case by speaking or meeting with one of our former insurance defense attorneys who have inside knowledge of how big insurance companies value personal injury and damage claims. No fees unless we WIN.
So, get YOUR Free Case Analysis now by texting us, chatting with us online, completing the form below, or by calling 844.RHINO.77.
Then, decide what is best after getting free advice from a RHINO Lawyer who wants to help YOU.