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The Emotions Car Accidents Cause and How to Deal With Them


In a single year, over 42.5k Americans die each year in car accidents. As someone who survived, you likely feel lucky – and more alone and anxious than ever before.

Shock after a car accident is an understandable reaction, as are fear and stress. Here, we’re going to talk about post-accident trauma and how you can feel with the painful feelings you’re having. Read on to learn some tips for returning to normal life after a crash.

Seek Physical Care

Because your mind and body are extremely connected, getting medical assistance right after a collision can help you with car accident trauma. Emergency room visits, physical therapy, and chiropractic care can all help you heal.

If you’re distracted by or preoccupied with physical pain, the road to recovery will be challenging. Having your physical needs met with expert treatment will let you begin to figure out crash-related feelings so you can start getting better.

Understand Your Feelings

Those who survived car accidents will naturally have several emotions about their experience. Fear and anxiety are common since a car accident blindsided and shocked you out of nowhere. It’s especially common for those to have strong negative feelings about driving again since you associate it with the experience.

Anger, irritability, and hopelessness are also common. This frequently causes mood swings that stem from anxiety and depression. When you have too many emotions to manage, they’ll manifest in unpredictable ways.

Almost 40% of accident survivors also develop PTSD as a result of the incident. This can lead to flashbacks, nightmares, panic attacks, and bouts of irritability with no apparent cause.

By understanding your feelings, you’ll know why you’re reacting in the way that you are. This can help you be more aware of your emotions and their underlying causes. Gaining awareness is the first step to regaining control.

You’ll also likely feel less alone since researching car accident trauma connects you with other victims. Whether you interact with them or simply read their stories, you won’t feel like the only one going through trauma.

See a Therapist for Shock After a Car Accident

If you’re struggling to understand your symptoms, seeing a mental health professional can give you more insight. Many of them specialize in helping car crash victims or others with PTSD. They have the tools and resources needed to get you in touch with your emotions so you can recover from trauma more easily.

Even if you have a fairly thorough understanding of PTSD and its symptoms, seeing an expert is still important. They may be able to help you with activities and talk therapy. You may also need cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or other professional assistance before getting behind the wheel again.

Seeing a therapist can also help assuage feelings of guilt and shame. Many people don’t understand why they feel ashamed post-crash, especially when they are not at fault. A therapist can help you identify the underlying causes of this shame and combat it.

Practice Rest and Relaxation

Irritation, anxiety, panic, and stress all cause similar symptoms. A tight chest, shortness of breath, and difficulty sleeping are some of the most common.

Recovering from accident shock is easier when you understand how to do deep breathing exercises. From breath focus to belly breathing, there are limitless exercises that could help you feel more relaxed.

Taking some time to rest is also a good idea. Whether you were physically injured or not, taking a couple of days off work to unwind and get in touch with your feelings is a good choice.

Read a good book. Soak in the bath. Try aromatherapy.

Then, seek out a therapist.

You also will want to make good sleep a priority. Create a restful environment that’s quiet and dark. Stick to a sleep schedule so your body gets used to resting at certain times.

This can help you relax so you have the energy needed to heal.

Seek Damages for Car Accident Trauma

It’s hard to rest when justice isn’t served, so seeking legal help for your pain and suffering is important after a crash. Whether you bear some fault for the crash or no fault whatsoever, an attorney can help you figure out the right course of action.

In addition to non-financial pain and suffering damages, you’ll likely get funds to cover:

  • Wages to cover time lost at work
  • Money to cover loss of earning potential
  • Funds to cover medical bills
  • Money to cover therapy bills and other mental health assistance
  • Compensation for lost quality of life (due to PTSD or other long-term problems)

The exact damages will depend on your unique situation, which an attorney will help you unpack.

No matter how much money you get, taking legal action can provide you with closure. You’ll have done all you can to get justice, which means that you’ll be able to rest easier. You also won’t need to stress about money when seeing a psychiatrist or seeking group therapy.

Start Driving Again Slowly

Getting in a car can be daunting and feel impossible when recovering from accident shock. However, it’s going to eventually be necessary. Luckily, it’s possible to do so over time with baby steps.

When you feel ready and your therapist agrees, start small. Get in your car and sit behind the wheel while it’s stationary. Play some music and get used to the feeling of being in the driver’s seat again.

Then, focus on driving around a neighborhood slowly. Don’t immediately hop on the highway!

Over time, you’ll feel more confident driving again. While post-accident anxiety may not completely go away, it will become less and less present over time.

Get Car Accident Compensation ASAP

Now that you know how to contend with anxiety and shock after a car accident, it’s time to begin getting compensation for your pain and suffering. RHINO Lawyers is committed to helping crash survivors take their lives back into their own hands with legal assistance and advocacy.

Our team will listen to you compassionately, understand the ins and outs of your accident, and compile a case that can help you come to grips with car accident trauma. Reach out to us for a free consultation to talk about your case.


In short, after a car accident, you may not know your rights. Above all, don’t struggle through the process alone. Actually, our personal injury team is here to help you with any legal needs you might have regarding your accident.

Lastly, let RHINO Lawyers answer your questions and review the facts of your case with a Free Consultation. So, get started by completing the “Free Instant Case Evaluation” or by calling us any time, day or night, at 844.RHINO.77.
